$179.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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More Than Just A Vendor (Payment Plan)

Everything you need to design a client experience that nurtures your business for years to come.

A course made up of seven modules including 17 video trainings, step-by-step guided implementation homework, workflow templates, PLUS a thriving, private community of wedding photographers & videographers who prioritize connection, personal growth, and client experience just like you.


What People Are Saying:

Before I took the course, I would send out a gallery and my clients would reply, “Thanks so much—we love them.” and that's it … Now, after just sending their engagement photos, they’re saying they can’t wait for me to shoot their wedding and then every other life event after that.


My biggest goal in my business is just to show love to whoever comes my way—that's become a big part of what my client experience is, thanks to this course. I never want my clients to feel like they’re just a date in my calendar—I want them to feel like I genuinely care about them and value them as human beings. Emily showed me how to create systems that support that goal.

EUNICE | Vancouver, BC